Professional Summary Statement for Engineers Australia

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What Is Summary Statement?

A Summary Statement is a matrix of the competencies you discussed in Career Episodes. Your Career Episodes have a huge impact on your Summary Statement. It depicts the various competencies that were displayed throughout your Career Episodes. The applicant must carefully review the career episodes and include cross references, in the format of the summary statement, to the appropriate career episode paragraph.

To establish if you qualify for their Skilled Migration Visa, it’s necessary to evaluate both your engineering abilities and your personal characteristics. It must be arranged in a tabular format. It lists many competency units. You must complete it by listing the information and abilities you have utilized and tying them to the relevant paragraph from the Career Episodes. Just focus on the pertinent competencies and paragraphs.

Format of Summary Statement

There are three parts to a summary statement:


1. Knowledge and Skill Base

In this section, you must testify that you possess knowledge and abilities in engineering. It requests that you list examples of your prior knowledge in the engineering field.


2. Engineering Application Ability

The practical application of your knowledge is crucial in engineering. It all depends on how you prove your capacity to resolve engineering issues. You must demonstrate your ability of applying your knowledge.


3. Professional and Personal Attributes

Along with your professional qualifications, you must demonstrate your personal qualities, such as a strong work ethic, ability to work well with others, creativity, and communication abilities. You might add to this area the instances in which you displayed particular personality traits that you believe the Assessor should be aware of.

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Tips for writing CDR Summary Statement

  • You must properly write the Career Episodes in order to make your Summary Statement powerful. You should frequently scan your Career Episodes to see if they are in the format provided by Migration Skill Assessment Booklet. You’ll find it simpler to get going if you do.
  • Lines that stand out to you should be underlined. When you later complete your Summary Statement, it will be helpful to you. The paragraphs must be numbered in order to make it simpler to cross-reference them. By doing this, you are helping the Assessor comprehend and evaluate your Summary Statement.
  • As your Summary Statement is technical and can be challenging, double-check it frequently. Verify that none of the paragraph references are inaccurate. Any inconsistencies in the references will perplex the Assessor and might result in rejection. The Assessor won’t be impressed unless the Summary Statement is flawless. It takes more effort than you might imagine.
  • Be careful to cite each of your professional episodes. Don’t feel obligated to fill it with details that aren’t necessary. Never write simply to fill the blank spaces. Be succinct yet also don’t forget the important details.
  • Examine some summary statement examples before you start your own. You will gain a clear understanding of what the Assessor is seeking. Following your review of those samples, you can make adjustments to your Career Episodes. Alternatively, it would be great if you could review some samples of Summary Statements before writing the Career Episodes.