Our Professional Service Pricing

Our pricing strategy aims to provide affordable and transparent professional services, with flexible payment plans that ensure you get the most value from your investment while suiting your budget and needs.

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We provide multiple Writing Services such as CDR, RPL, KA02, and much more at a very convenient and valued price. The detailed pricing of our services according to the level of urgency required is clearly tabled below.

Basic plan

Ideal For Growing Business

$ 650/30 DaysWith free assessment

Everything in first, plus

  • 3 career episodes
  • Summary Statement
  • CPD
  • Quality work
  • On time delivery
  • Free Consultation on different cases
  • Free Plagiarism Reports
  • Handle all the EA comments
  • Inspection of clients projects
  • EA Portal Upload
  • Assistance in documentation
  • Original Project Preparation
  • Projects preparation as EA feedbacks
  • Rewrite CEs
  • Full Support till Positive Result

Accelerated Plan

Ideal For Growing Business

$ 1000/16 DaysWith free assessment

Everything in first, plus

  • 3 career episodes
  • Summary Statement
  • CPD
  • Quality work
  • On time delivery
  • Free Consultation on different cases
  • Free Plagiarism Reports
  • Handle all the EA comments
  • Inspection of clients projects
  • EA Portal Upload
  • Assistance in documentation
  • Original Project Preparation
  • Projects preparation as EA feedbacks
  • Rewrite CEs
  • Full Support till Positive Result

Ultra Fast

Ideal For Growing Business

$ 1200/7 DaysWith free assessment

Everything in first, plus

  • 3 career episodes
  • Summary Statement
  • CPD
  • Quality work
  • On time delivery
  • Free Consultation on different cases
  • Free Plagiarism Reports
  • Handle all the EA comments
  • Inspection of clients projects
  • EA Portal Upload
  • Assistance in documentation
  • Original Project Preparation
  • Projects preparation as EA feedbacks
  • Rewrite CEs
  • Full Support till Positive Result

Exculsive offer

Ideal For Growing Business

$ 1500/Exclusive Offer on CDRWith free assessment

Everything in first, plus

  • 3 career episodes
  • Summary Statement
  • CPD
  • Quality work
  • On time delivery
  • Free Consultation on different cases
  • Free Plagiarism Reports
  • Handle all the EA comments
  • Inspection of clients projects
  • EA Portal Upload
  • Assistance in documentation
  • Original Project Preparation
  • Projects preparation as EA feedbacks
  • Rewrite CEs
  • Full Support till Positive Result