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To migrate to Australia as an engineer, it’s necessary to undergo a formal skills assessment. The Australian government’s Department of Home Affairs has authorized Engineers Australia to evaluate an individual’s qualifications.

What is Engineering Australia Skills Assessment?

Engineering Australia Skills Assessment is a process conducted by authorized personnel of Engineering Australia to evaluate and confirm the authenticity of an individual’s qualifications, work experience, and duties claimed for immigration purposes. The assessment criteria are based on the guidelines set by the Australian Government.

On the other hand, if an individual’s qualifications do not meet the required criteria, they may need to consider additional training or education to meet the standards.

Why is the Engineering Australia Skills Assessment required?

The assessment is necessary for the following reasons:

Requirement for Skilled Visa Application

Individuals must fulfill the Engineering Australia Skills Assessment requirement before applying for a Skilled Visa.

Authentication of Genuine Engineering Professional

Excellent English language skills are essential for success in the Australian workplace. Consider taking English language courses or practising your language skills through conversation groups, online resources, or language exchange programs.

Support for Visa Application

The Engineering Australia approval letter is a support document for the individual's visa application to the Department of Home Affairs. The approval letter is an essential document required to verify that the individual's qualifications and experience meet the required standards for the engineering profession in Australia.

Additional Points for Work Experience

The Engineering Australia Skills Assessment may give individuals additional points based on their years of work experience. This can benefit individuals seeking to maximize their chances of obtaining a skilled visa.

Applying for a Skills Assessment is a 7 Step Process

  1. Check your Qualifications
  2. Occupational Categories
  3. Skills Assessment Pathways
  4. Prepare your Application
  5. Submit your Application
  6. Receive your Assessment Outcome
  7. Outcome Reviews and Appeals

1. Check your Qualification

The choice of assessment pathway is based on the type of qualification, the country where it was received, and whether it’s accredited. Accredited qualifications are recognized through agreements called Accords. Qualifications completed after or in the same year a country joined an Accord are recognized. Programs must fall within the period specified as accredited on the signatory’s website, and fully accredited programs are preferred. You can Contact Us for more information regarding this topic.

2. Occupational Categories

Engineers Australia recognizes four categories for skilled migration:

  • Professional Engineer
  • Engineering Technologist
  • Engineering Associate
  • Engineering Manager

You will work in Australia in one of these occupational categories based on your qualifications and skills.

3. EA Skills Assessment Pathways

  • Accredited Qualification pathway
  • Non-Accredited Qualification Pathway

A. Accredited Qualifications Pathways

Individuals with accredited qualifications have 4 different pathways for EA Skills Assessment.

These pathways include:

  • Australian Qualifications
    You are eligible for migration skill assessment under this pathway if you have an accredited Australian engineering qualification.
  • Washington Accord Qualifications
    Your qualification must be publicly listed as accredited, have the same title as the accredited qualifications list, and be a minimum of a 4-year bachelor’s degree in engineering.
  • Sydney Accord Qualifications
    Your qualification must be publicly listed as accredited, have the same title as the accredited qualifications list, and be a minimum of a 3-year bachelor’s degree in engineering.
  • Dublin Accord Qualifications
    Your qualification must be publicly listed as accredited, have the same title as the accredited qualifications list, and cannot be provisionally accredited.
  • The Australian Qualification pathway is for those with an ASQA-recognised Australian associate degree or advanced diploma in engineering seeking a role as an engineering associate.

These accords are international agreements ensuring that signatory countries recognize and accept engineering qualifications.

B. Non-Accredited Qualifications Pathways

    • Applicants with non-accredited qualifications have to apply through the CDR pathway Skills Assessment.
    • The Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) pathway involves submitting a detailed report showcasing an individual’s competency in their engineering occupation. In this case, your knowledge, skills and competency are assessed against internationally benchmarked factors.

As part of this process, engineering applicants must submit three Career Episodes that demonstrate their engineering knowledge, skills, and experience.

4. Preparing Your Application

  • Begin your online application and save it to complete later.
  • Read the requirements for your chosen assessment type and gather the necessary documents.
  • Thoroughly read the Prepare Your Migration Skills Assessment Application publication for a full list of required documents, English language requirements, and ethical standards to follow.

5. Submitting Your Application

  • Create an account in the EA portal to apply online.
  • Select your assessment pathway, upload the required documents, and submit your application.
  • Refer to the online application guide if needed.
  • Receive email confirmation upon successful submission.

6. Receive your assessment outcome

Once your application is processed, you’ll receive an email with the outcome. If your application is successful, you’ll also receive a migration skills assessment outcome letter. This letter is valid indefinitely with Engineers Australia.

7. Reviewing the Outcome

If unsatisfied with the outcome, you can request a review within three months. You can appeal within six months if unsatisfied after the review. The outcome of an appeal is final. Note that Engineers Australia is not authorized to provide migration advice or award points for migration.

Feel Free To Contact us!

Assessment Fees and Additional Services

  1. International Accords qualification assessment fees
  2. Australian accredited engineering qualification assessment fees
  3. Competency Demonstration Report assessment fees
  4. Additional service fees

1. International Accords Qualification Assessment Fees

CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July 2023From 1 July 2023
Fee excl. GST AUDFee incl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUD
Washington / Sydney / Dublin Accord qualification assessment$445$489.50$460$506
Washington / Sydney / Dublin Accord qualification assessment + relevant skilled employment assessment$820$902$845$929.50
Washington / Sydney / Dublin Accord qualification assessment + overseas Ph.D. assessment$680$748$705$775
Washington / Sydney / Dublin Accord qualification assessment plus relevant skilled employment assessment + overseas engineering Ph.D. assessment$1055$1160.50$1090$1199

2. Australian Accredited Engineering Qualification Assessment Fees

CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July 2023From 1 July 2023
Fee excl. GST AUDFee incl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUD
Australian engineering qualification assessment$275$302.50$285$313.50
Australian engineering qualification assessment + relevant skilled employment assessment$650$715$670$737
Australian engineering qualification assessment + overseas engineering Ph.D. assessment$510$561$530$583
Australian engineering qualification assessment + relevant skilled employment assessment + overseas engineering Ph.D. assessment$885$973.50$915$1006.50

3. Competency Demonstration Report Assessment Fees

CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July 2023From 1 July 2023
Fee excl. GST AUDFee incl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUD
Standard competency demonstration report$825$907.50$850$935
Competency demonstration report + relevant skilled employment assessment$1200$1320$1240$1364
Competency demonstration report + overseas engineering Ph.D. assessment$1060$1166$1095$1204.50
Competency demonstration report + relevant skilled employment assessment + overseas engineering Ph.D. assessment$1435$1578.50$1480$1628

4. Additional Services Fees

CurrentCurrentFrom 1 July 2023From 1 July 2023
Fee excl. GST AUDFee incl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUDFee excl. GST AUD
Fast-track assessment fee (+ to MSA assessment fee)$315$346.50$325$357.50
Separate relevant skilled employment assessment$425$467.50$440$484
Separate overseas engineering PhD assessment$285$313.50$295$324.50
Separate relevant skilled employment assessment + overseas engineering PhD assessment$660$726$680$748
Review fee$295$324.50$305$335.50
Appeal fee$560$616$580$638
Standard administration fee$110$121.00$115$126.50

How Can We Help You?

As a service provider, Skill Assessment Australia is committed to helping you with your migration skills assessment. Our guidelines provide detailed information on the application process, assessment pathways, required documents, and ethical standards to follow. If you need further assistance, our online application guide and customer service team can answer your questions. Let us help you achieve the best outcome in your assessment.